Garden of Gethsemane is very synonymous with suffering or pain. This station is called a garden and immediately our thoughts wander away to a place of solace or peace and flowers or fruits (fertility). Dr. Luke very specifically says that this is Mount of Olives, like an olive orchard. I do not know if you have been to any orchards but I’ve once been to an apple orchard in Dalhousie, HP and frequently visited Eucalyptus groves in my youth days. The trips to the grove would be for many reasons solitude, solace, silent meditation, and picnics besides taking the dogs for regular walks.

When heavy with sorrow, getting into the midst of the groove and pouring out my heart to the Lord would give me comfort. At the garden when Jesus prayed ‘an Angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him (Vs 43). Lent is a time when we need that extra strength to stay out of temptation and prayer is the pill. Verses 40 & 46 Christ urges his disciples to pray so that they will not fall into temptation. Are you tempted? How do you handle it? Let’s examine ourselves.

PRAY: Dear God help to take that pill regularly that I will not fall into temptation. AMEN